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“I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.  Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.”   (Matthew 28: 18-20)


In Christianity, the Great Commission is the instruction by the resurrected Jesus Christ to His disciples to spread His teachings to all the nations of the world.  Since Jesus is now in Heaven, it’s the job of His Church to spread the Good News of His atoning work on the Cross to the unbelieving world.

No matter how many honors, awards, or achievements you may have received, nothing can even begin to compare with this command by our Lord Jesus Christ to help take His message of love, forgiveness, and righteousness to every person in every in every city, in every country of the world and to make disciples of all Nations.  The Message starts at home.

God’s gift to us is our talents.  Our gift to Him is what we do with them for His glory.  So, each of us should use our God-given talents and abilities to help spread the good news of the gospel to all ends of the earth.

“They must repent of their sins and turn to God and do the things that would show that they have repented.”   (Acts 26:20)

Out of obedience to the Lord, each believer will want to do their part to enhance the Kingdom by bringing as many people to Christ as possible.  Out of love, you will want everyone to know the truth about the free gift of salvation. 

This is what God wants each believer to focus on, yet many Christians fail in their attempt to witness for various reasons.  Some Christians don’t witness because they don’t know how.  Other Christians don’t witness because they are afraid of what their friends and family will think of them.  Many fail to witness for fear of failure. 

We must remember that it’s not mankind who saves.  It’s Jesus who saves.  Mankind is just His messengers.  Our mission is to plant seeds and let the Holy Spirit harvest the crop.

Let’s all get back to the basics and share our faith with those we love so we can bring them into the Kingdom.  They will be forever grateful.

Additional References: Mark 16:15, Luke 24:46, Isaiah 6:8

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